Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Anna University_before2011_Web Technology Theory Questions

                The following  Questions are taken from Old Web Technology Anna University Question papers.
1.Explain the role of ISP
2.What is use of SMTP and POP
3.write HTML code to display any four state names as a ordered list.
4.Compare HTML and XML
5.What is session?Why is it required?
6.What is DNS.
7.what is FTP?
8.What is role of server?
9.What is servlet.
10.What are style sheets?
11.How do search engine works.
12.Differentiate  between an applet and a servlet.What is meant by servlet container?
13.What is meant by Session Tracking?
14.Explain the need for three –tier architecture for database access.
15.Explain the two ways of using JDBC.
16.Develop a HTML page to use an image as a link to another page
17.Develop a Java Script page to demonstrate an If Condition by which the time on your browser is less the 10; you will get a “Good morning”greeting.
18.Develop DHTML page to change the background color using mouse over event on three squares containing different colors.
19.What is e-Commerse.
20.Why do use Java Script in web page designing.
21.What is meant by Cookie.
22.List any three advantages of Java Servlet over JSP.
23.How does  a JSP Work?
24.What is Apache.
25.What is the benefit of using Java Script code in an HTML document.
26.write function can be used to create an Alert popup dialog box?Write an example to create an Alert an Alert pop-up box.
27.Write a program using  Casecading Style Sheet(CSS) to  display the background image repeatedly in a file.
28.Define WWW.
29.Define: Event model.
30.Differentiate TCP from UDP.
31.what are the objects involved in Java Script.
32.Design a HTML form for opening an email account.
33.What is event bubbling?
34.Define the Servlet Life Cycle.
35.Differentiate: Java and JavaScript.
36.What is stream?What are different types of streams available in JAVA?
37.what is purpose of MIME?
38.What is a stream?What are the types of streams available in JAVA?
39.Illustrate the life cycle methods of a servlet with simple block diagram?
40.list the various dialog boxes in Java Script.
41.What is difference  between Servlet Context and Servlet Config?
42.What is importance of SAX.
43.List out some web services technologies.
44.Write short notes on UDDI.

1.Name the client side scripting technologies and summarize their features.
2.Using java script write a program for converting a specific string to upper case.
3.Summarize the any ten HTML tags and describe their features.
4.Justify the need for client side applets
5.What  are the steps involved in server browser communication?
6.Consider the XML document with the following schema.
[Sl.No,Name(first name,last name),Address]
 Write DTD for the above schema
7.Write the usage of request and response objects in JSP.
8.What is CSS?Explain its usage.Can it be used with XML?Explain.
9.Given the serial number,Write a java servlet to retrieve the name and address from the database.
10.What are the steps involved in establishing a JDBC connectivity.Write code for each step.
11.List out the system and software requirements for an on-line application write online application to check the status of a train ticket using the PNR number.
12.Explain Serialization with an example.
13.Write in detail about various protocols and its applications.
14.Highlight the features of the following scripting languages.
       Java Script
       VB Script
15.Explain in detail  Client/Server Model
16.How is data retrived from internet?Explain with an example.
17.Write a HTML program for E-mail registration form.
18.How does a Web Server and Browser Communicate with each other.
19.Write about DHTML events and event object.
20.Discuss CSS in detail
21.list the various types of servers.
22.How is a connection to a database established from an application?
Illustrate with examples.
23.Illustrate the architectural model of WWW and illustrate the steps involved in accessing a web page.
24.Illustrate the types of services provided by the internet.
25.What is a DTD?What are its applicatoions?What are its disadvantages?Mention any one alternative to DTD.
26.Illustrate the advantages of Servlets.
27.Develop an HTML document to generate ballot form for an election.The Votes submitted are recorded on the server by a servlet handling the form.Cookies must be used to prevent multiple votes by the same client.
28.How does the Internet work,brief with a sample application.
29.Explain in detail about Web Client Server Architecture with neat diagram.
30.Write a Java Script Object to replace characters in a string.
31.Explain how you could use HTML frames to provide a website that include an advertisement for your company along with the content from any other web page.Show that HTML you would need to do this,assume that for your example the “other web page”is www.yahoo.com.  Make sure that you explain how this works.
32.Design an Web page for an registration form of forum membership using Java Script.
33.Describe any two HTML protocols with an neat diagram.
34.Design an DHTML web page by using its various components like style,positition,frames and navigator.
35.Describe  the client side and server side scripting with an example to each.
36.Explain in detail XML structure,DTD  and DOM methods.
37.Describe the Servlet Architecture with neat diagram.
38.Describe the JSP Architecture with an neat diagram.
39.Explain how e-mail work.
40.Design the web application that incorporates forms,tables and frames.
41.Write a DHTML function that responds  to any two kinds of mouse events.
43.With a suitable coding explain how cookies are created and sessions are Tracked by Servlets.
44.Write Shorts Notes on
45.Give a brief overview of the JDBC process with simple applications.
46.list any four events associated with DHTML and Explain each one with an example.
47.What is CSS?List out the various CSS properties.Explain the various concepts of CSS properties with neat example.
48.Explain the concepts of JSP directives with suitable examples.
49.Explain about Xpath.
50.Explain briefly XML  transformation.
51.Explain XML  and DTD.
52.Explain the building blocks of  SOAP.
53.Explain the XML Schema with an example.


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